10 Tips on How to Learn Japanese Fast


Konnichiwa! If you are reading this blog, then of course you are as enchanted by the Japanese culture as I am. If we take out the part about anime and manga, then Japan brags of a tradition that is as rich as doubtful and captivates people from every nook and corner of the world. However, to get the most out of this culture, you must traverse one formidable challenge: learn Japanese!

It’s certainly not the easiest language to learn; one look at the characters can make your head spin and the grammar seems to function in a whole other world. But fear not! During my learning journey, I have come across some tips and tricks on How to Learn Japanese fast (I hope they will be helpful to you too). These have helped me navigate the seemingly daunting world of Japanese language learning. So, buckle up, and let’s explore the 10 strategies to learn Japanese.

10 Tips on How to Learn Japanese Fast

1. Set clear and realistic goals and motivations.

Before you try anything new, first and foremost be clear about why you are doing it. That goes to learning Japanese as well. Define your goals, and assess why learning Japanese is important to you. Whatever your motivation is, whether traveling to Japan for professional reasons, wanting to understand your favorite anime without subtitles, or just an interest in Japanese literature, clearly articulating it in your mind will push you forward. Also, you will be focused and cross any hurdles that come your way.

2. Start with Hiragana and Katakana.

Always start with the basics. When you start to learn Japanese, begin with mastering the basic phonetic characters of the language – the Hiragana and katakana. Through Hiragana, you will be familiarized with native Japanese words and elements. Katakana, on the other hand, will introduce to you foreign loan words and emphasis. Once you master these, Kanji characters will be simple for you.

3. Immerse yourself in the world of Japanese multimedia.

Immersion in the language is the best and fun way to learn Japanese. Once you surround yourself with Japanese – watch Japanese movies and anime with or without subtitles, listen to Japanese music, read Japanese books or manga— your brain is sure to catch the rhythm of its speeches, their intonation, and nuances. Thus, you learn new vocabulary and expressions.

4. Practice speaking right from the beginning.

Language learning is not limited to just reading and writing. Speaking and conversation are equally important aspects of learning any language. Speaking the dialect helps you internalize grammatical structures and improve your pronunciation. Find like-minded people who want to learn Japanese, or join a conversation group (many are online) to learn Japanese. You will feel awkward at first, but being open-minded and speaking is the key to learn Japanese fast.

5. Make use of Mnemonics for Kanji 

Ahh! Kanji are beautiful and complex, yet they intimidate many who try to learn Japanese. But you can make friends with these beautiful monsters! Simply, use mnemonics. Associate each character with a vivid image or story of your own development to help you remember the meaning and pronunciation. Make learning fun by using textbooks and memory apps that are specifically designed for learning kanji.

6. Consistency is Important 

To learn any language, you have to be consistent with your routine. So keep aside a set amount of time each day, even if it’s just 15 minutes, to learn Japanese. Consistent study solidifies what you’ve already learned and helps you retain key information. Apps like Anki and Memrise help you optimize your memory through spaced repetition and strategically timed reviews of vocabulary and grammar, so make the most of these apps.

7. Buy a good Japanese book or enroll in a Japanese course.

Self-study is great, but the right resources are essential for valuable guidance. Look for resources that fit your learning level and style. You can visit websites like Examopedia to buy textbooks and Japanese Language Proficiency Test prep books to learn Japanese. Some of the Japanese books listed on the site are: 

Nowadays, many educational institutions also offer Japanese language courses to learn Japanese. Edtech institutes like Henry Harvin offer perfectly curated Japanese language courses with native-speaker mentors, making learning fun and interesting.

8. Get familiar with Grammar 

I agree that Japanese grammar can be intimidating. But it’s crucial to form meaningful sentences. As I said before, always start with the basics. Then, gradually progress to more complex grammar points. Thereafter, solidify your understanding with writing exercises. To learn Japanese grammar at any level you can make use of apps.

9. Visit Japan

Do visit Japan so you can get to know firsthand their culture and most importantly, how to speak the language effectively. Since you are learning Japanese, talk in Japanese while ordering your food or communicating with native people. The Japanese respect foreigners who at least try to converse in their native tongue, and they will let you learn. So don’t be afraid of committing mistakes.

10. Patient and persistent

Finally, remember that Japanese learning is a marathon, not a sprint. Sometimes the feeling of discouragement or frustration may creep in due to no progress being made (that is what you will feel!). Keep calm and patient. Celebrate the small successes you achieve. The process of learning a language itself is as rewarding as its destination. So, persevere and enjoy the process.

Wrapping it Up

In summary, once you learn Japanese, there’s a rich cultural heritage and even deeper connections with people across the globe that await you. Having set clear goals, immersing oneself in the target language, and putting in a constant effort sets one on the way to mastery. Every step forward is bringing you closer to fluency. Ganbatte kudasai – Do your Best!

Recommended Reads


1. Is there an age limit to learn Japanese?

A: Definitely not. Learning a language is a hobby that can interest anyone of any age. Of course, it’s easier to learn when you’re younger. But “you’re never too old to learn something”, right?

2. Do Japanese books really help with language development?

A: Yes. Japanese books such as textbooks and teaching materials can help you learn the Japanese characters, and reading them will increase your vocabulary.

3. What career options do I have after learning Japanese?

A: Oh, there are many. Translator, interpreter, coaching, mentoring, just to name a few. Multilingual specialists are always in demand overseas. Read 19 Career Options After Learning Japanese mentioned in the Recommended Reads section.

4. How can I practice pronunciation in Japanese?

A: Practice Japanese pronunciation through Japanese shows and movies that have English subtitles, but most importantly, listen to as many podcasts or any kind of interacting speech by native speakers as one can possibly find. In learning a language, listening is equally important as reading and writing.

5. How can I learn Japanese the fastest way?

A: Well, learning a language does take some time. Read the tips in this blog and with regular practice and putting in some hours every day living the language, I’m sure you will master the basics in no time.

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